dog training

16 02, 2015

Lifetime Bonding with your Dog


Bonding with your Dog is the key to a long, healthy and enjoyable relationship.  And that bonding process begins as soon as you bring your Dog home. The relationship starts out tentatively because you don't know your Dog and he or she is in a new environment and doesn't know you yet.  Like any relationship,

Lifetime Bonding with your Dog2017-05-29T19:59:09-04:00
18 08, 2011

Upcoming classes


UPCOMING TRAINING CLASSES See our training page for descriptions Level 1 Obedience $199, 7 weeks Age 16 weeks, 2nd set shots Wed June 3 - 6:30pm Fun Agility 1 $199, 6 weeks Age 6 months Tue  Jun 2 - 6:30pm Sat Jun 6 - 12:00pm Fun Agility 2 $199, 6 weeks Sat  TBD WALKS N WAGS PET FIRST

Upcoming classes2023-02-22T22:12:27-05:00
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