dog training

21 03, 2016

You and your dog: Healthy and fit


One of the most important ways both you and your dog can stay healthy and fit is get lots of exercise. Exercise is key to both physical and mental well being for both of you as well.  Exercise is also a key part of effective training for your dog.  I love both our indoor and outdoor training,

You and your dog: Healthy and fit2017-05-29T19:58:12-04:00
14 03, 2016

Spring Dog Safety


Spring dog safety is on my mind this week.  Especially after we've 'enjoyed' some bursts of warm weather...amidst all the rain! But as they say, 'Spring showers bring May flowers'! And with Spring here, it's nice to get outside and enjoy time with your dog. Keeping your dog safe is always important, especially in the

Spring Dog Safety2017-05-29T19:58:12-04:00
22 02, 2016

Essential Winter Dog Care Strategies


The crisp chill in the air, the sight of the first snowflake, and the cozy feeling of wrapping up in layers – winter has its own charm. But as the temperature drops, it's essential to remember that our furry companions face unique challenges during this season. While their fur provides some protection, it's not always

Essential Winter Dog Care Strategies2024-06-17T21:29:30-04:00
8 02, 2016

A little doggie inspiration


I'm usually a pretty upbeat person.  Kids, dogs, friends and family...there's a lot to celebrate and be thankful for.  But every now and then even I need a little 'pick me up', a little inspiration.  On those occasions I find inspirational doggie quotes to be...well...inspirational!   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At The Dog Stop we are dedicated to

A little doggie inspiration2017-05-29T19:58:28-04:00
1 02, 2016

Why dogs are better than boyfriends


OK, that might be pushing it...dogs really aren't better than all boyfriends (or husbands), but some days... I recently found this chart and #9 really caught my attention:  With my dog, I get to control the TV remote control and can watch my chick flicks in peace!  Guys:  Valentine's Day is just around the corner...take

Why dogs are better than boyfriends2017-05-29T19:58:28-04:00
11 01, 2016

Dog walking in the Winter


So far this winter we've been blessed with absolutely mild non-winter conditions.  Yes we've had some rain and walking outside with the dogs has resulted in muddy paws (and a few muddy floors) but we haven't had the well below freezing temperatures, snow or wind chills to deal with.  But with a return to minus

Dog walking in the Winter2017-05-29T19:58:28-04:00
4 01, 2016

Learning how to interpret Dog Signals


I've been told that I'm good at reading dog signals.  Maybe better than reading human signals but that's another story.  What I love is being able to communicate effectively not only with my own dogs but with all dogs that I meet.  Dogs speak to us in a variety of ways and the better we

Learning how to interpret Dog Signals2017-05-29T19:58:28-04:00
21 12, 2015

Into the wild in South Africa


The beauty of animals in the wild is awe inspiring. I love all animals...dogs in particular as you know...and this past October I travelled to South Africa to explore the beauty of animals in the wild. It was an amazing trip where I got to meet other people like myself from all over the world.

Into the wild in South Africa2017-05-29T19:58:28-04:00
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