dog training

24 10, 2016

Fun Facts about Dogs


There are many fun facts about dogs that we sometimes wonder about.  Each individual dog will have their own mannerisms. Some will be based on genetics, others on the environment they they have been brought up in or grew into.  For example, my own dog Kiara sleeps sideways up close to the wall.  The reason?:  This

Fun Facts about Dogs2017-05-29T19:57:52-04:00
10 10, 2016

Kids and Dogs: Building a Safe, Loving, and Respectful Relationship


In many households, the sight of a child laughing as they play with their canine companion is a common one. The bond shared between kids and dogs is one of unparalleled purity. Their interactions encapsulate innocence, trust, and a unique sense of companionship that spans across both their worlds. Yet, this beautiful relationship isn't merely

Kids and Dogs: Building a Safe, Loving, and Respectful Relationship2023-08-09T11:35:28-04:00
27 09, 2016

Upcoming Dog Training Classes


Our upcoming Dog Training Classes for the Fall begin soon.  Basic Obedience, Social Obedience, Fun Agility and Advance Agility Classes...each developed and designed for different stages and ages: Contact us via this link to get started:  The Dog Stop Training. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At The Dog Stop we are dedicated to ensuring that you and your dog

Upcoming Dog Training Classes2023-01-17T00:40:24-05:00
26 09, 2016

Human Foods Dogs Can and Can’t Eat


you're always aiming to provide the best for your beloved furry companion, and a vital aspect of their care revolves around understanding foods dogs can and can't eat. Whether you're a new pet parent looking to build a strong foundation of knowledge or a seasoned owner looking to refresh your understanding, this post should help

Human Foods Dogs Can and Can’t Eat2023-07-09T22:07:24-04:00
19 09, 2016

5 Years: How far we have come!


5 years! Where did the time go? 5 years ago this week was the Grand Opening of The Dog Stop. That was a dream come true for me. I've always loved dogs and had dreams of opening a business dedicated entirely to dogs after leaving my corporate job and starting a private obedience training company

5 Years: How far we have come!2023-04-09T11:14:39-04:00
5 09, 2016

Back to School


It's back to school...and not just for the kids!  Our Dog Training Classes include Basic Obedience, Social Obedience, Fun Agility, Advanced Fun Agility and of course Pet First Aid.  If it's time for the kids to get back to school, don't forget about the other member of your family, your dog!  Details on all our

Back to School2023-03-19T18:10:53-04:00
29 08, 2016

People food not for Dogs


People food is for people...not for our dogs. As hard as it may be not to share people food with our dogs, it's best to stick with food specifically formulated and made for our dogs.  In fact, sharing people food with our dogs can be downright dangerous.  Foods that we love such as chocolate, grapes,

People food not for Dogs2023-03-19T18:06:32-04:00
22 08, 2016

Dogs: 27,000 years old


Our family dog is 27,000 years old? According to many scientific sources and research, the animal we fondly refer to as 'our pet dog' became domesticated from their direct wolf ancestors over 27,000 years ago.  Did humans domesticate wolves or did wolves help humans to become more domestic and less nomadic?  In the arcane world

Dogs: 27,000 years old2023-02-22T22:02:32-05:00
1 08, 2016

The Dog Days of Summer


The dog days of summer conjurs up images of dogs lying around panting through the hot, humid summer days.  While that is the current usage, that's not how the saying originated.  'The dog days of summer' is more closely aligned with the stars...the constellation Sirius actually which refers to the Dog Star: And now you

The Dog Days of Summer2017-05-29T19:58:11-04:00
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