These are some of our recent favourite blog posts:


New Training Programs. Our New Training Programs tailored to you and your dog!  As well we’ve developed a new flexible group class pass system.  Purchase 5, 10, 15 or 20 passes and use toward the classes you wish. Here’s more:  The Dog Stop Training Programs.



The Dog StopDoggie Code of Conduct. We love our dogs and we’re used to their behaviours.  Others may not share our love and some may even be afraid.  Our Doggie Code of Conduct  lists 5 rules to live by for the benefit of everyone: Doggie Code of Conduct.



The Dog StopLets get a Dog. And with that some families are off and running and start searching the internet and purchasing a puppy or older dog without having given the realities of owning and living with a dog much thought.  Here are the important things to consider:  Lets get a Dog.



499253917Cell Phone Not Allowed! Cell phones are great.  Texting, email, Web surfing and even phone calls…nothing beats a smart cell phone for staying connected. And that’s just the problem: Cell phones are always with us and it’s become too easy to play with one while doing something else.  Pay attention:  No Cell Phone!



At The Dog Stop we are dedicated to ensuring that you and your pet have a long and healthy relationship.  We offer training for every age and stage for your dog.  Visit our Training page for details:  The Dog Stop Training.

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