Oreo at Training
Oreo was a star at The Dog Stop today. Going through all the training challenges, it was great to see the results of all the hard work. Good job! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Upcoming Dog Training Classes
Our upcoming Dog Training Classes for the Fall begin soon. Basic Obedience, Social Obedience, Fun Agility and Advance Agility Classes...each developed and designed for different stages and ages: Contact us
Human Foods Dogs Can and Can’t Eat
you're always aiming to provide the best for your beloved furry companion, and a vital aspect of their care revolves around understanding foods dogs can and can't eat. Whether you're
5 Years: How far we have come!
5 years! Where did the time go? 5 years ago this week was the Grand Opening of The Dog Stop. That was a dream come true for me. I've always
Belize: Dealing with Difficult Dogs Dog Training
Belize: 3D Dealing with Difficult dogs presented by Heather Beck On July 9, I ventured to the beautiful island of San Pedro, Belize for Heather Beck’s Dealing with Difficult Dogs
Back to School
It's back to school...and not just for the kids! Our Dog Training Classes include Basic Obedience, Social Obedience, Fun Agility, Advanced Fun Agility and of course Pet First Aid. If
People food not for Dogs
People food is for people...not for our dogs. As hard as it may be not to share people food with our dogs, it's best to stick with food specifically formulated
Dogs: 27,000 years old
Our family dog is 27,000 years old? According to many scientific sources and research, the animal we fondly refer to as 'our pet dog' became domesticated from their direct wolf
The Dog Days of Summer
The dog days of summer conjurs up images of dogs lying around panting through the hot, humid summer days. While that is the current usage, that's not how the saying